Additional Resources

Here is a list of additional study materials to take your Sorani Kurdish to the next level!

Study Courses

Learn to write and pronounce the Kurdish Alphabet with a YouTube video from Glossika.   Includes International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).  Note that even though the title of the video mentions Arabic, the examples used are Kurdish.

Glossika Sorani, based on thousands of common sentences. The site will test you and place you in a level from A1 to C1. Usually you pay for these language courses, but since Glossika values language preservation, their website provides Sorani for free!  It may help to learn to read and type Kurdish before doing this course, otherwise choose the “Listening only” mode. 

Memrise is an online learning site, with a huge catalogue of learning resources including user-created courses in Sorani.

Grammar Books

Kim’s Kurdish Grammar Includes exercises.

Thackston’s Sorani Kurdish Grammar A scholarly work.

My Languages Look up grammatical categories and see lists in English and Kurdish.


Rebin Dictionary App – A Kurdish dictionary app

About Kurdish Language and Culture

My Nest in Kurdistan – A group blog about Kurdistan in general, with lists of reading references. Gives interesting insight into Kurdish culture and history.

A History of the Kurdish Language – For those who are interested in the roots of the Kurdish language. Includes articles about the history of Kurdish language and other cultural information. Use the search option to find what you are specifically interested in.

About Language Learning

The Growing Participator Approach (GPA) – A language learning method based primarily on listening to and practicing a language. Languages are spoken by people, not by books. This method focuses on interacting with the language community and its speakers rather than studying through a grammar book.